Posted Dec 8, 2021


'#angiefitnesstv #fitover40  IF YOU ENJOY MY WORKOUTS, PLEASE CONSIDER SUPPORTING ME: https://paypal.me/AngieFitnessTV?locale.x=en_US I’ve created this 10 X 3 TOTAL BODY SHRED SERIES   in order to give people an option for a quick and effective energy boost that delivers results all in 35-40  minutes!   The workout routine follows this format: 5 MIN WARM - UP 10 MIN CARDIO FORMAT 10 MIN STRENGTH FORMAT 10 MIN PILATES-YOGA-BALANCE FUSION 5 MIN COOL DOWN AND STRETCH  *each video is completely different so you are always working your body in new ways.  In here you will find...  In this 10 X 3 TOTAL BODY SHRED SERIES you will find Strength/Calorie Burn workouts,Core workouts, Sculpting workouts and Pilates/Yoga infused workouts.  Though it is resistance training using dumbbells/ barbell that will sculpt your body  it is very important to add the Aerobics/Cardio element into the program to help maximize fat burn, strengthen the heart and improve lung capacity.  When combined together these  workouts are made to help you get the best possible results in the least amount of time!  In no time you will be able to climb a flight of stairs without getting winded and chase down your kids with out having to take a break on the park bench!  The  4  week schedule is balanced between Strength/Sculpting exercises, Aerobic exercises and stretching. It is given here as a guide line that will show you how you can best progress from one week to the next.   Customize You can also customize your own workout plan by adding or subtracting specific workouts from the program to help you meet your own individual fitness goals. The program also includes a warm up and a cool down that you should incorporate into starting off and ending any of the other workouts.  \"The program is designed to give you the flexibility to chose between the workouts individually or follow the 4 week rotational calendar. This is a 6  part video workout series.  VIDEO 1 : KICK BOX - BODY SCULPT - CORE BALANCE  VIDEO 2 :  POWER STEP - UPPER BODY BLITZ - CORE  VIDEO 3: PILATES INFUSED SCULPT - YOGA STRETCH - FOAM                    ROLLER MYOFASCIAL RELEASE  VIDEO 4 : ATHLETIC STEP  USING STEP BENCH-  TOTAL BODY STRENGTH TRAINING -BALANCE BOARD CONDITIONING  VIDEO 5 : CARDIO CIRCUIT -STABILITY BALL                     STRENGTH - PILATES INFUSED BARRE  VIDEO 6: CARDIO FLOW - POWER WALK  - BODY SCULPT  COME VISIT ME ON THESE SOCIAL MEDIA SITES: *FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/AFT/ *INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/angiefitnes...' 

Tags: Strength Training Workouts , strength training for women , balance workout , step workout , balance workout for beginners , strength training for beginners , angie fitness tv , angie fitness tv walking , step aerobics workout , total body strength workout , total body strength training , angie fitness tv step , angiefitnesstv , athletic step workout , step workout routine , core balance workout , core balance exercises , core balance board , step aerobics routines , 10x3 total body shred

See also: cu , matt does fitness , Aerobic Exercises , jump , fitness tips , booty workout , zum , perdre du poids , Beginners , Body Soul Fitness
